William Leary To Be Reappointed to the PIDB

President Obama announced yesterday afternoon his intention to nominate William Leary to serve a second three-year term on the PIDB.  The members are pleased to learn of his reappointment and we are looking forward to his continued help in advocating for transforming the national security classification system.  Before his retirement from Government service as the … Continue reading William Leary To Be Reappointed to the PIDB

NEW ANNOUNCEMENT: The PIDB Releases its Supplemental Report, Setting Priorities: An Essential Step in Transforming Declassification

Today, the Public Interest Declassification Board released online its latest report recommending additional changes to transform the security classification system.  This Supplemental Report, Setting Priorities: An Essential Step in Transforming Declassification, focuses on topic-based declassification prioritization.  In it, the PIDB makes the case for the government to adopt a centralized approach to topic-based prioritization and … Continue reading NEW ANNOUNCEMENT: The PIDB Releases its Supplemental Report, Setting Priorities: An Essential Step in Transforming Declassification

Regularizing the Declassification Review of Classified Congressional Records

The Problem The current process by which classified Congressional records are transferred to the National Archives & Records Administration (NARA), reviewed for declassification, and released to the public does not adequately reflect the importance of these records and the special status they must enjoy as records of the Legislative Branch that are managed by the … Continue reading Regularizing the Declassification Review of Classified Congressional Records