The PIDB congratulates Ms. Sheryl Shenberger on being selected as a FY 2015 Meritorious Executive Presidential Rank Award recipient. We understand the Presidential Rank Award Program honors high-performing career senior executives for “sustained extraordinary accomplishment.” The news of Ms. Shenberger being selected for the award was unsurprising to us. We have seen firsthand her dedication … Continue reading Sheryl Shenberger, Director of the NDC, Named Meritorious Executive Presidential Rank Award Recipient
Category: Uncategorized
Third Open Government National Action Plan Published
Yesterday, the President issued the Third Open Government National Action Plan (NAP 3.0) as part of the Open Government Partnership, a cornerstone of his administration. Included in the NAP 3.0 are new and extended commitments under the specific initiative, “Streamline the Declassification Process.” Under this initiative, the President pledges to identify processes and tools to … Continue reading Third Open Government National Action Plan Published
Historical Presidential Daily Briefs Declassified
Yesterday at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library and Museum, the Director of National Intelligence, General James Clapper, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), John Brennan, announced the declassification of over 2,500 historical Presidential Daily Briefs (PDB) dated from 1961 through 1969. We, the members of the PIDB, congratulate the Intelligence Community, … Continue reading Historical Presidential Daily Briefs Declassified
Help Strengthen Open Government
The PIDB encourages you to participate in the planning of the Third Open Government National Action Plan (NAP 3.0). The Second Open Government National Action Plan included recommendations the PIDB made in its 2012 Report to the President on Transforming the Security Classification System. These recommendations established the Security Classification Reform Committee, called for the implementation … Continue reading Help Strengthen Open Government
What We Heard and Learned at our June 25th Public Meeting
The June 25th meeting of the Public Interest Declassification Board was an opportunity for the PIDB members to meet with stakeholders who share a commitment to bringing about transformation to the security classification system. In particular, this meeting was an opportunity for the PIDB to continue advocating for the increased use of new and existing … Continue reading What We Heard and Learned at our June 25th Public Meeting
Deputy Chief Technology Officer of the United States, Alex Macgillivray, confirmed to give remarks at the PIDB’s Public Meeting
The PIDB is pleased to announce that Deputy Chief Technology Officer of the United States, Mr. Alex Macgillivray, will participate in the June 25th public meeting of the PIDB. (Click here to RSVP to the public meeting.) The President appointed Mr. Macgillivray in September 2014 to the position of U.S. Deputy CTO and in his … Continue reading Deputy Chief Technology Officer of the United States, Alex Macgillivray, confirmed to give remarks at the PIDB’s Public Meeting
Save-the-Date: Public Meeting of the Public Interest Declassification Board
The Public Interest Declassification Board (PIDB) will host a public meeting to discuss the recommendations included in its Report to the President on Transforming the Security Classification System, and its recommendation to employ existing technologies and develop and pilot new methods to modernize classification and declassification. The meeting will include a discussion of the technology … Continue reading Save-the-Date: Public Meeting of the Public Interest Declassification Board
NSA Declassifies and Releases the Friedman Collection
We welcome guest blogger, Dr. Dave Sherman, Associate Director for Policy and Records at the National Security Agency, who describes below details about NSA's recent accomplishment: the declassification review and release of records in the Friedman Collection. During the past two weeks I’ve had the privilege of participating in a series of events marking the … Continue reading NSA Declassifies and Releases the Friedman Collection
NDC Outlines Prioritization Plan
On Friday, April 10, 2015, the National Declassification Center held a public forum, NDC Prioritization: What Secrets Do People Want to See? to discuss prioritization of its holdings as a way forward since the completion of the 351 million page backlog in February 2014. The public forum featured remarks from the Archivist of the United … Continue reading NDC Outlines Prioritization Plan
PIDB Member William Leary to Participate in NDC Public Forum on Prioritization
We are pleased that PIDB member William (Bill) Leary will participate as a panelist at the National Declassification Center’s next public forum. The forum’s theme is NDC Prioritization: What Secrets Do People Want to See? This is an excellent opportunity for Mr. Leary to discuss the PIDB’s recent supplemental report, Setting Priorities: An Essential Step … Continue reading PIDB Member William Leary to Participate in NDC Public Forum on Prioritization