In our 2014 supplemental report, Setting Priorities: An Essential Step in Transforming Declassification, the PIDB advocated for a coordinated, government-wide approach to declassifying information based on those records most sought after and of most historical significance to the public. To this end, we believe topic-based prioritization is a viable alternative to prioritizing records simply by … Continue reading Prioritization and the National Declassification Center
Category: Uncategorized
Sunshine Week and Open Government Progress
We are pleased to announce the Presidential appointments of Ms. Laura A. DeBonis and Mr. Solomon B. Watson, IV as members to the PIDB on March 12, 2015. It is fitting that the newest members of the PIDB are able to participate in our executive session meeting being held today. As we reflect on the … Continue reading Sunshine Week and Open Government Progress
The Public Interest Declassification Board commemorates James Madison’s birthday and Sunshine Week
Sunshine Week is an annual initiative designed to raise awareness of the importance of citizen access to Government information. This commemoration coincides with National Freedom of Information Day and James Madison’s birthday (March 16). We reaffirm the principle that an Open Government is essential in our democracy. An informed citizenry, actively participating in debating and … Continue reading The Public Interest Declassification Board commemorates James Madison’s birthday and Sunshine Week
The President Announces His Intention to Appoint Laura A. DeBonis and Solomon B. Watson IV to the PIDB
Yesterday, the President announced his intention to appoint Laura A. DeBonis and Solomon B. Watson IV to each serve three-year terms as members of the Public Interest Declassification Board. You can find a link to the White House press release announcing the appointments here. The members of the PIDB look forward to working with Ms. … Continue reading The President Announces His Intention to Appoint Laura A. DeBonis and Solomon B. Watson IV to the PIDB
William Leary To Be Reappointed to the PIDB
President Obama announced yesterday afternoon his intention to nominate William Leary to serve a second three-year term on the PIDB. The members are pleased to learn of his reappointment and we are looking forward to his continued help in advocating for transforming the national security classification system. Before his retirement from Government service as the … Continue reading William Leary To Be Reappointed to the PIDB
NEW ANNOUNCEMENT: The PIDB Releases its Supplemental Report, Setting Priorities: An Essential Step in Transforming Declassification
Today, the Public Interest Declassification Board released online its latest report recommending additional changes to transform the security classification system. This Supplemental Report, Setting Priorities: An Essential Step in Transforming Declassification, focuses on topic-based declassification prioritization. In it, the PIDB makes the case for the government to adopt a centralized approach to topic-based prioritization and … Continue reading NEW ANNOUNCEMENT: The PIDB Releases its Supplemental Report, Setting Priorities: An Essential Step in Transforming Declassification
Retirement of Miriam Nisbet, Director of OGIS
On behalf of the members of the Public Interest Declassification Board, I would like to congratulate Miriam Nisbet on the eve of her retirement from Federal service. Throughout her Federal career, she served with distinction as a tireless advocate for transparency and access to government records. We first met Ms. Nisbet in her role as … Continue reading Retirement of Miriam Nisbet, Director of OGIS
Farewell to PIDB Member Martin Faga
On behalf of the members of the Public Interest Declassification Board, I would like to thank our colleague, Martin Faga, for his dedicated service as he concludes his third term as a member on the PIDB. Marty has made substantial contributions while on the PIDB, including service as the Acting Chair. He was appointed by … Continue reading Farewell to PIDB Member Martin Faga
Declassification in Full of the 1954 Oppenheimer Hearing
The PIDB congratulates the Department of Energy’s Office of Classification Management for declassifying the complete 1954 Oppenheimer Hearing Transcript. President Obama’s Second Open Government National Action Plan tasked Government agencies, including the Department of Energy, to systematically review and declassify historical data on nuclear activities. The PIDB is pleased to see the Department of Energy … Continue reading Declassification in Full of the 1954 Oppenheimer Hearing
PIDB Visits Presidential Libraries and the Center for Content Understanding
On September 11-12, 2014, the PIDB traveled to College Station and Austin, Texas to see first-hand how the Presidential Libraries are providing access to their important holdings. The PIDB would like to thank the Directors and staff at the George. H. W. Bush and the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Libraries for hosting us. We appreciated … Continue reading PIDB Visits Presidential Libraries and the Center for Content Understanding