Declassify or not . . .that’s our question.

The Public Interest Declassification Board continues to advocate for transforming the security classification system.  We now ask YOU to join the discussion about what the government should prioritize for declassification.  Make sure the PIDB hears your voice by commenting on our blog, Transforming Classification, today through mid-January 2014.

Please check back-in early this afternoon to join the conversation to make the Prioritization List a reflection of all our needs. 

In the coming weeks, we will begin posting this Prioritization List for public comment on our blog.  The topics on the list fall into one of five categories: Topics Older than 25 Years, Topics 25 Years Old and Younger, Topics Related to Formerly Restricted Data (FRD) Information, General Topics of Interest, and Topics Specifically Gathered from Presidential Libraries.

We ask for your comments on the topics as we post them, as well as any additional topics you believe warrant inclusion on the List.  We will post the first category of topics for comment TODAY following our public meeting.  We will post a new category with topics for discussion on the following Mondays: *December 2, December 9 and December 16. *(Date Change Due to Holiday Week)*  The week of December 16th will have two categories to discuss.

We hope the List will serve as a guide to aid agencies in reviewing the information the public wants to see.  This is your opportunity to spark a much-needed conversation about the sustainability of the current declassification system and what our priorities collectively should be to make the most impact.

5 thoughts on “Declassify or not . . .that’s our question.

  1. With tomorrow marking the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy, please prioritize release of the remaining secret files and redacted information about this tragic event.

    1. I agree with Dan, declassifying the remaining JFK records should be a priority. Also important are records that would shed light on the assassinations of RFK, MLK and Malcom X. And, all records pertaining directly to the 9/11 attacks, and indirectly, such as pre-9/11 foreign and domestic policy and deliberations concerning terrorism.

  2. Please release the 28 redacted pages from the Joint Congressional Inquiry into the 9/11 attacks, and all documents from the 9/11 Commission (including the redactions of those documents already released… MFRs, etc…)

  3. I am curious why the focus is on declassifying material younger than 25 years old, when so much material older than 25 years is still classified and probably have far less adverse on impact on national security. I would personally like to see all the records of the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) 1948-1952 declassified.

  4. In order to conduct a successful operation to a successful outcome you need well-paid happy people. Raise declass positions to GS 7-12 and hire more people so the ambitious goals can actually be met.

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